[HCL catalogers waving and whatnot]
waving Sandynistas, 6/99 (photo courtesy of Chris Dodge)

Actually, Sandy DID indirectly inspire me to stay in library school, when I found a copy of Alternative Library Literature in the stacks of the Wayne State University library. I felt so alone in library school, the only political person, and certainly the most idealistic. Then later, reading about Sandy's amazing cataloging exploits was very encouraging to me.

- Karen Eliot

I remember meeting Sandy at a book fair at Macalester College in St. Paul. As soon as I met him, I instantly starting talking with him like I had known him my whole life...I think that I argued with him about censoring snuff movies, or some such thing. As the person who started the "all porno film society" (which I called "The First Amendment Film Society"}, lots of people were concerned in 1977 about things like snuff movies. That was during library school. His colleague at HCL, Don Roberts, had just talked me out of quitting library school at the U. of Minnesota. I have kept in touch with Sandy here in West Virginia, especially after my friend Yvonne Farley got to meet him on the Hawaii Outsourcing ALA committee. Now, for more than a year, I have been in weekly touch with him. In January 1999 I myself was pushed out of my job as head of the Film Services Division of the West Virginia Library Commission. I had a nervous breakdown, and took 6 weeks off. Sandy kept in touch with me daily, and even sent me some flowers. Little did I realize that he himself was going to be "horsewhipped" as I had been.

Sandy is the "best man since Melvil Dewey" and a whole lot more fun!

- Steve Fesenmaier

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